Friday, February 12, 2016

Bust watch February 12

How to Be Single

How absurdly uninteresting does Dakota Johnson look in these trailers?  She gets top billing, is coming off of 50 Shades of Grey, and yet is lucky to mutter a few set-up lines for the significantly more charismatic actors and actresses in any of the trailers I’ve seen.  She comes off like that girl growing up who literally would never speak up, always mumbling, but was somewhat attractive and seemed nice so you made the effort to try and talk to her only to end up walking away because of how difficult it was to get any semblance of a conversation going.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Bust Watch February 5th

The Choice

I love talking about a movie I have literally never heard of.  First off, I can be really mean to it.  Second, I get to guess what it’s about on very little information.  It’s called The Choice, and the poster has a guy holding a girl from behind while they both wear sunglasses and smile.  I’m going to guess it’s a religious film, with the choice being about keeping a baby!  And it’s based in California!  And the guy surfs!  Ok, let’s do some research.

Ok, so it’s a Nicholas Sparks movie without abortions!  I was way off.  But wasn’t that fun?  Looking back, I can’t see an abortion movie doing well at the box office.  This movie appears to be about not neutering your pets, cheating on your doctor boyfriend, comas, euthanasia, and horrible acting.  They leave out the coma/euthanasia part in some of the trailers, but it’s there.