Friday, February 12, 2016

Bust watch February 12

How to Be Single

How absurdly uninteresting does Dakota Johnson look in these trailers?  She gets top billing, is coming off of 50 Shades of Grey, and yet is lucky to mutter a few set-up lines for the significantly more charismatic actors and actresses in any of the trailers I’ve seen.  She comes off like that girl growing up who literally would never speak up, always mumbling, but was somewhat attractive and seemed nice so you made the effort to try and talk to her only to end up walking away because of how difficult it was to get any semblance of a conversation going.

Potentially soon to be irrelevant actresses aside, this seems like a smart choice of film title combined with timing.  A film presumably about being single set to release on Valentine’s day?  Could this attract the sad masses who are unable to find satisfaction in their single lives?  Personally I’ll be spending the day cooking extravagant meals for myself, because I deserve them, but maybe a less interesting single person would attempt to find solace in a film they feel may give some guidance along with distraction.

The trailers started out with just scenes of women being given personality, but a change happened recently.  They started putting some more men into the trailers (that one sociopathic guy who forces women out of his apartment by shutting off his water).  I feel like the guys are simplistic caricatures, but the women don’t come off as any better, and maybe the men are in the film for the women’s benefit.  Then again, perhaps they’re trying to attract the males on dates market?  Can a quick shot of a guy being a douche convince men to go on a date to this movie?  Would a couple actually want to see a film about being single on the most (sort of) romantic day of the year?  Since Dakota Snoozefest will likely get a guy at the end, maybe.  Also, will lesbian or gay couples want to see this?  I really know nothing about romantically marketing to non-hetero couples.

Overall, I think this will have a solid opening weekend, thanks to lonely singles flocking to see this film.  I don’t think it’ll do well afterwards, unless this is a particularly painful year for Valentine’s day disappointments and breakups.  Dakota Johnson is a snooze, but Rebel Wilson is hilarious (is she the funniest large female actress?  I prefer her to Melissa McCarthy), and I assume people like Leslie Mann almost as much as I do.  It looks like a typical predictable and moderately silly film, set to benefit from releasing near Valentine’s Day.  I think it’ll do pretty well, but have the weekly drop-offs get steep fast.

Bust rating 2/5



I’ll start this off by admitting I don’t like Ryan Reynolds.  Maybe it was being introduced to him as a complete asshole in Van Wilder, or the vibe he gives off of always being happy and cool but in a way that grinds on you.  I really don’t enjoy him in any of his silly roles, and the serious work of his I’ve seen (Adventureland, School of Life) haven’t made me change my opinion.  I don’t think he gives off much of a personality outside of a more attractive, less funny Jim Carey (picture him saying “Alllllrighty then!”).

So I personally am not excited to see this.  But apparently everyone else is.  My roommate thinks it’ll be phenomenal.  Reddit has been posting even more Deadpool related things than normal.  I’ve overheard people saying how much they love Ryan Reynolds.  People may want to see this.

The trailers look ok.  Sometimes funny, a bit juvenile, solid action.  The back and forth talking about Deadpool’s physical appearance is promising, and his silly jokes when fighting the bad guys in the SUV did make me laugh.  But with it being rated R and based on a comic book, will enough people still go see it?  Probably.

The timing of a Valentines day weekend release is weird, rating it R will restrict some of the audience, it isn’t a well-known Marvel character, but it’s still a Marvel movie that people will see since you’ve basically got to see literally every one or you aren’t going to get everything going on in the next Avengers movie or whatever.  Add in that the comic does have a large following among comic book readers, and Ryan Reynolds having appeal, you end up getting what should be a great box office return.

Bust rating 1/5

Update- apparently it did ridiculously well Thursday.  I’m feeling good about this prediction.


Zoolander 2

The first one was certainly hilarious, but how much of that was the concept of male model stupidity, and how much was clever writing that can be recreated for the characters?   The ratings haven’t been kind so far, but perhaps the bigger issue is how long ago the original came out.  Is Zoolander relevant anymore?

It seems so, to some extent.  The “so hot right now” meme still shows up on reddit, along with the “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills” one.  The “But why male models” line is hilarious enough to get said quite often, as are several others.  And the three main actors may not be at their peaks, but aren’t far off and are still A-list celebrities (I think, the celebrity grading system is pretty vague).  The world of male fashion models isn’t a topic of discussion right now, but was it at all back when the original came out?

And yet, this is a comedy sequel coming out nearly 15 years after the original.  Anchorman 2 came out around 9 years after the original and did very well in theaters, but is Zoolander the phenomenon that Anchorman was?  Not quite.

I can’t see this bombing, since the first is beloved and had the great combo of being hilarious and quotable.  But at the same time, it just doesn’t look as good.  Ferrell looks hilarious, like he does in every movie he’s in, but if he wasn’t in the trailers I wouldn’t be remotely interested in the story or jokes.  That’s why I think it will not come close to being a hit.  It seems people want this to be funny, but not many people are convinced it actually will be.  There is a lot of buzz about the sequel, but not much excitement at all.  Regardless, it’ll make enough money to prevent it from being a flop, simply because the first was so funny.

Bust rating 2/5

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